Poll: Sock it to the rich

iconHere is a perfect example of why I hate polls. CNN reports that a majority of Americans think that the evil, hated, rich shouldn't qualify for benefits, while at the same time should have their Social Security tax increased.

Americans think the wealthy should help bolster Social Security, a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll released Tuesday suggests.

More than two-thirds of 1,010 adults contacted from Friday to Sunday said it would be a good idea to limit benefits for wealthier retirees and for higher income workers to pay Social Security taxes on all their wages.

Isn't it nice that more than two-thirds of Americans think that the government should increase taxes on a segment of society, while denying them the benefits that those taxes pay for. They would tell people that you are not only going to have to keep paying into Social Security, but we are going to increase your tax. Oh by the way, don't plan on coming to us for any benefits, because you won't get any.

That's pure income redistribution, and it highlights the dangers of majority rule. Majority rule, a/k/a mob rule, means that the majority is able to tyranize the minority simply because they have greater numbers. It's what kept slavery in existence for thousands of years.

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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If SS is going to be an entitlement, then it should be an entitlement for EVERYOME, including the rich. If it's not to be an entitlement (in which the "rich" are not entitled), then a whole lot of people need to be kicked of that system (including middleclass and others).

Posted by: bogie at February 10, 2005 4:31 AM

It is, (and always has been) primarily a welfare program, with "entitlement" window dressings, namely giving the rich back a small part of what they put in. I'd be happier with the program if it was explicitly welfare, so people understood where their money was going.

Posted by: markm at February 13, 2005 11:30 AM

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