Autograph tax in Rhode Island?

iconCharging for autographs might be against the law in Rhode Island pretty soon.

[Sen. Roger] Badeau's bill would ban professional athletes, entertainers or promoters from charging a fee for an autograph to a child under age 16. They would be fined $100 for each violation.

A Democrat who represents the Northern Rhode Island communities of Cumberland and Woonsocket, Badeau said he was appalled after the Boston Red Sox won the World Series last year and several players participated in an autograph signing event in Providence.

He said it sickened him to see parents shelling out $125 so their children could get a baseball, photo or bat signed by a player.

"There's a buck with everything," he said.

Does this mean that pro athletes will no longer sign autographs in Rhode Island, or that they will start charging $225 to cover Rhode Island's cut?

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ah yes the smallest state with the most ridiculous budget does it again... my parents, who are by far hardly multi millionaires, retired to Newport, RI because they wanted to live near the ocean and also spent alot of time there in the late 70's vacationing. They were forced to move to New Hampshire, the state with no income or sales tax, because they could not afford the property tax on their home which appreciated greatly in value.

I hope pro athletes charge at least that amount to cover their expenses, where in the constitution does it say that a state gets a cut of anything a private citizen does to make a buck? besides the obvious...( the document you ignorant fools....) this is just another tax in the state that taxes everything possible....LIVE FREE OR DIE...or follow the history of the Romans...nothing lasts forever use your brains for gods sake...

Posted by: malcolm h holley at February 16, 2005 12:26 AM

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