Miller employee fired for drinking Bud Light

iconIsac Aguero was a forklift operator for Miller Brewing Company. But one weekend he was caught drinking a Bud Light, and was summarily fired. Now, I once worked for Coca-Cola and the Coke/Pepsi wars are just as serious. But Miller should really lighten up. After all, it's not his fault Miller beers are so disgusting.

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Big K makes better cola than either coke or pepsi anyhow.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at February 14, 2005 6:19 AM

I imagine the problem that guy had was with Miller genuine draft. There's nothing wrong with good old Miller High Life - the real thing. They make it hard to find sometimes.

kind of like the whole New Coke fiasco (or was it .... a clever marketing ploy???)

Now if the guy was drinking Merlot or something, I'd definitely fire his yuppee ass.

Posted by: Jimmy Antley at February 14, 2005 10:14 AM

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