Why I would support the death penalty for spammers

iconFor some reason, this month has seen a flood of referrer spam. Although the referral logs are not published, they are increasingly clogged with spam links, making them all but useless to me.

I've pretty much fixed spamming in the comment and trackback logs. But the referrer logs are a new battleground for me. But I don't place 100% of the blame on the spammers. Also to blame are people who feel the need to publish their referrals. By doing so they provide the precious links that spammers crave. Then of course there are the idiots who buy their products or fall for their schemes. Let's face it, if it weren't profitable, they wouldn't do it.

My next steps are to figure out how to keep these bottom feeders from clogging my server logs. I'm looking into blacklists and using .htaccess, but so far there is no clear way to keep them at bay.

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Agreed. As soon as we manage to plug one hole in the dike, these wretched dregs of humanity man ot create another one. It's (almost) enough to make me give up blogging, but I refuse to allow the bastards the satisfaction of defeating me.

Posted by: Jack Cluth at February 14, 2005 11:03 AM

Death penalty? Sure! One of the roaches used my addy as a return addy for a big heap-o-spam. 3000 returned mail messages later, I'd support the sort of capital punishment, the videotape of which would loosen the tounges of the boys at Gitmo.

Posted by: Billll at February 14, 2005 9:05 PM

I have an idea for curbing spammers; just publish their names and addresses, I know lots of people who would be happy to pay them a visit....maybe carrying some tar and feathers, and a rail......

Posted by: Robert Garrard at February 18, 2005 7:02 PM

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