Ravenwood - 02/22/05 06:30 AM
Today's GWSoD has "researchers" claiming that global warming trends will cause pollution to stagnate in America's cities, reports Reuters. This will obviously have the largest effect on minorities and the poor.
Global warming could stifle cleansing summer winds across parts of the northern United States over the next 50 years and worsen air pollution, U.S. researchers said on Saturday.The gratuitous Kyoto reference notes that the "United States, which produces the most pollution of any country, has refused to sign" the treaty. Perhaps we are the World's biggest polluter because of states like Washington, whose biggest polluter is also a top attraction marketed by the state board of tourism.Further warming of the atmosphere, as is happening now, would block cold fronts bringing cooler, cleaner air from Canada and allow stagnant air and ozone pollution to build up over cities in the Northeast and Midwest, they predicted.
Category: Global Warming
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