All your land are belong to us

iconOne of the pillars of a free society is property rights, so you may want to pay attention to this eminent domain case coming before the Supreme Court. Abuses seem more rampant in recent years, with land being seized from private citizens to build a Wal-Mart or new shopping center. Their justification for seizing land is that the new owner will pay more taxes than you, thus creating a greater "public purpose".

In the New London case, city officials there argue that eminent domain also should apply to "economic development" even if done privately since it would increase tax revenue and improve the local economy.

Susette Kelo and six other homeowners have said the move is more about enriching well-connected developers.

"It's obvious they don't want us here, and they've done everything in their power to make us leave," Kelo said. "They are simply taking our property from us private owners and giving it to another private owner to develop."

Keep in mind that this is land that is seized at gun point. Land-owners are promised "fair" compensation, but it's still the guys with the guns who are setting the price. If you don't like it, tough luck.

If the SCOTUS doesn't put a stop to such seizures, it's only a matter of time before we have a WACO-like standoff between stubborn property owners and an oppressive government.

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And of course the ACLU won't bother, unless the people owning the land are in some sort of politically correct minority.....

Posted by: Robert Garrard at February 23, 2005 5:25 PM

We've already had something arguably worse. Two South Carolina law enforcement officers were shot to death by one Steven Bixby over an eminent domain taking of 20' of his property line. See this story.

The question is, are we going to see more incidents like this?

Posted by: Kevin Baker at February 23, 2005 6:28 PM

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