Global Warming SoD: Major concentrations of people hardest hit

iconGlobal Warming zealots are taking their show on the road. Britain has launched a roving international campaign that will target big cities across the world, where global warming is the most severe.

The ZeroCarbonCity campaign is based on cities being the biggest consumers of electricity and therefore the main generators of greenhouse gases that are warming the world towards what many see as looming Armageddon...

It will involve an exhibition that will travel to all 100 cities highlighting successes and failures from cutting traffic congestion and vehicle emissions to insulating buildings, backed by online discussion forums and city meetings.

Just what the global warming movement needs: a bunch of environmental wackos jet-setting the globe spewing propaganda.
Cities, as major concentrations of people, are a prime focus and have been identified as heat islands with temperatures several degrees higher than the surrounding countryside which in turn boosts energy usage from increased air conditioning use.

Scientists say using fossil fuels to generate electricity is the major driver of man-made global warming.

The Kyoto climate change treaty to curb carbon emissions finally came into force two weeks ago, but critics say it is too little too late with the United States refusing to sign up and developing nations having only to pay lip service.

Luckily when they cut the power to major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago all that gun control will keep people safe.

Category:  Global Warming
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