How about some cheese with your whine?

iconPoliticians in Falls Church (VA) have really got their panties in a wad. To listen to them wail, you'd think the end of the world was near.

"This is a tyranny of the illogical," charged Falls Church Mayor Dan Gardner in response to the news. "There is no excuse for it. I would not want to be responsible if there is any loss of life as a result of this."

Council member David Snyder. . .used even stronger language criticizing the legislature. "The relationship between the state government and the legitimate concerns of Northern Virginia has deteriorated to the point that it is not only dysfunctional but is harmful," Snyder said, reading a prepared statement.

He blamed "the narrow interest of extremist ideologies" in the legislature and "special interests" allayed against a "bi-partisan group of courageous legislators" representing Northern Virginia.

So just what is it that has Northern Virginia liberals so upset? What is it that's so "extremist" and "dysfunctional"? Well, the Virginia legislature successfully killed Red Light SCameras.
"This session had the usual fiscal unfairness, in which a huge subsidy is paid by Northern Virginia to the rest of the state," he went on. "This session was, however, the most offensive because the government in Richmond aggressively assaulted Northern Virginia's ability to provide for the welfare, safety and security of its own citizens" including "life-saving highway safety measures such as red light running enforcement technology that prevents some of the most lethal car crashes."
Back in 2002, it was reported that the American Automobile Association (AAA) pulled their support for red light cameras out of concern over increased rear end collisions. Data suggests that rear end collisions may actually create a more dangerous intersection, due to drivers slamming on their brakes at the sight of a yellow light.

It was also discovered that in San Diego, cameras were placed too close to intersections, and the length of the yellow light was actually shortened to maximize the profitability of the cameras.

If Falls Church is so concerned about safety, all they need to do is increase the length of the yellow light. Of course that doesn't bring in any money, which is what traffic cameras are really all about.

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Dave's a decent enough guy in real life and I hate to see him being constantly pilloried on line. However, he does makes some dumb statements.

But what is most amazing about this is that as the Vice President and General Counsel for the American Insurance Association I would think he would be opposed to the huge increase in rear end fender bender type accidents.

Posted by: countertop at March 7, 2005 9:06 AM


What you are missing is that rear-end fender benders are a net gain for the insurance industry. You get the same premium increase for this type of accident that you do for a major collision, but the insurance company is paying out a much smaller amount (often times it falls within the deductible limits). All in all, they really don't mind that you rear end someone. It costs your current insurance company in the short-term, but the industry makes up for it in the long term.

Posted by: Nick Bourbaki at March 7, 2005 10:46 AM

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