Chutzpah Watch: Depends on what you mean by 'truth'

iconSo you sign up for a $29.99 plan for your mobile phone and it ends up costing you $40 a month. Such is the nature of taxes. But the FCC wants to change all that. They are tired of being called out by wireless carriers.

The FCC said that it was misleading to suggest that any line item fees in addition to the base rate charged for cell phone service were due to taxes or government-mandated charges.

Such charges must be folded into the base rate so consumers have more accurate comparison of costs when shopping for cell phone service, said FCC chairman Michael Powell, who presided over his last commission meeting.

The government mandates number portability, E-911, and various other regulatory taxes and fees. Now they want to force wireless carriers to whitewash all of that by including taxes in their rate plans. They don't want any regulatory fees to even show up on the itemized statement; a proposal that they have the nerve to call it "truth-in-billing".

Personally, I wish every company in America did this. Imagine the outcry if people really knew how much all the government meddling and red-tape was costing them day to day.

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Thanks. You had to say E-911. I was trying so hard to forget. I worked at AT&T when that horror went in. What a %#@$% nightmare. Naturally, like everyone else at AT&T, I no longer have that job.

Posted by: Drew at March 12, 2005 12:33 AM

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