Ravenwood - 04/20/04 12:00 PM
But as recently as last week, Hoover was quoted in several Gannett News Service papers as saying, "If we have more use of guns, then we're going to have more people who are injured and die." In 2001, she told the Cincinnati Post "A person who has a gun sees danger. We will have more shootings, more accidents." After hearing Hoover testify against concealed carry in 2001, one Columbus Dispatch reporter summarized her testimony like this: "Gun-control advocates said it would put too many guns in malls, parks and workplaces, causing fights and accidental shootings." The record will show that Hoover has quite a long history of dire predictions, and she is attempting to distance herself from those claims because she now knows she is about to lose what's left of her credibility, when these predictions do not come to pass.
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