Clinton asks for CA$H to ward off VRWC attacks

iconSenator Clinton is gearing up for her re-election campaign. Despite the fact that nobody is yet running against her, she is already whining about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that is out to get her. Apparently pending attacks can only be thwarted with cold hard cash.

With 19 months to go before the elections and no opponent in sight, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign is nonetheless warning her political supporters that she is the prime target of "the right-wing attack machine."

In a fund-raising e-mail message sent out on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton's campaign also said her critics were preparing an advertising campaign against her similar to the one orchestrated by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that attacked Senator John Kerry's Vietnam service during the presidential election.

"The right wing is already getting ready, naming Hillary as their 'No. 1 target' and boasting about their 'Swift Boat' style ads," said the e-mail message, which was sent by Ann F. Lewis, the director of communications for Mrs. Clinton's campaign committee, Friends of Hillary. "Help us show the right wing that we will be ready and able to fight back."

Meanwhile, Conservatives who aren't even running for office are being openly attacked by the liberals who want to silence them.

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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I'm not a religious person, but isn't there a quote about 'the wicked fleeing where no one pursueth'?
You gotta love a good imaginary conspiracy...

Posted by: Robert Garrard at April 6, 2005 1:27 PM

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