WA: More uncounted ballots in King County

iconWith the election happening nearly 5 months ago, Washington's governor's race is still being contested. For those of you who may have forgotten, Republican Dino Rossi won the first two ballot counts, only to have it stolen by Democrat Christine Gregoire who insisted on recounting until she was declared the winner. Rossi's counts were done by machine - which are likely to be much more accurate especially considering they were machine ballots - in accordance with Washington election law. Gregoire's "victory" was given to her by an illegal hand recount, with huge inroads being made in heavily democratic King County where ballots continued to be "discovered" after the fact.

In fact, just this week another batch of ballots was "found" in King County, reports the Seattle Times.

Over the past week, election workers have found 87 valid absentee ballots that had been left in their envelopes and not counted through three tallies of the closest statewide race in Washington history. The ballots were in archival boxes and were found when election workers were looking for something else.

The first of the ballots were found March 24, but officials did not publicly acknowledge the problem until a reporter asked them about it yesterday. After the initial discovery, Election Director Dean Logan ordered a search through more than a half-million absentee envelopes to look for other ballots that might not have been counted. [...]

The ballots were still sealed inside their original envelopes. Porter said he had told officials not to open the envelopes or count the ballots unless ordered to do so by a court.

The ballots were found when officials were looking into allegations that more than 900 felons were illegally allowed to vote. Gregoire "defeated" Republican Dino Rossi by 129 votes.

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Still waiting for 60 Minutes Wednesday, with new reporter Dan Rather to investigate this one.

Posted by: kjo at April 5, 2005 7:49 AM

I am still amazed, not at the lack of coverage by the media, but rather the lack of outrage from Republicans and others who respect election law.

I live in Ohio, yet am apparently more disturbed by this than most residents of Washington.

I just don't get it.

Posted by: roger at April 5, 2005 9:08 AM

The hand recount, while annoying, bothersome, suspicious, and quite probably innaccurate, was not illegal. Under WA law, if the machine recount (mandatory if the contest is within a certain number of votes, as it was in this case) falls within a certain margin, the loser can demand a hand recount. The party demanding the recount is also required to put up a certain amount of $$$ as well, which will be refunded if the result goes in their favor.

The recount was legal. What happened in King County, while probably not provably, at least in court, to be fraud, should be enough to declare the election results invalid.

Frankly, I don't believe it is possible to know with any degree of confidence who won. And yes, I'm a resident of WA (legally, at least.)

For everything you never wanted to know on the subject, check out Sound Politics Stefan Sharkansky's stuff will pretty much melt your brain if you don't have degrees in accounting and statistics.

Posted by: Heartless Libertarian at April 5, 2005 2:39 PM

The number of "found" ballots is now up to 93 with 86% if them coming from the heavily Republican 8th Congressional District.

Posted by: AnalogKid at April 7, 2005 2:27 AM

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