Gun violence increasing in 'gun free' D.C.

iconNationwide crime is down. Murder and robberies have been in constant decline for more than a decade. But that doesn't hold true for Washington D.C., where under-21 homicides have increased dramatically. Every day, parents are increasingly worried that their teenagers won't come home tonight.

In 1993, Smith's oldest son and daughter, then teenagers, were shot to death in a case of mistaken identity as they drove to a church Christmas party in Southeast Washington. Now Smith's surviving children, Charles, 15, and Marquis, 13, are at a vulnerable age, and she broods over them with a mixture of gloom and hope.

"When my big kids were killed," she said, "I looked at my little kids and I thought, 'One day, they'll be teenagers, too,' and that is today. I have them again, and I have to protect the ones I have left."

Of course protecting your kids in D.C. is nearly impossible. Guns were effectively banned in Washington D.C. in 1976, so unless you can hire private security, you're pretty much screwed.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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Is it not amazing that liberals can't or won't figure this out?

Posted by: kjo at April 5, 2005 7:47 AM

One word: MOVE.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at April 5, 2005 10:41 AM

There's actually 3 great principles in that article.

1) the inability to protect themselves from criminals with guns in this gun-free zone.
2) the drug gangs that exist because drugs have been outlawed, creating a blackmarket with artificially inflated value for the drugs, creating wealth and reason for existence for these drug gangs.
3) inability to choose where their kids go to school, thanks to public education, and mandatory school districts.

Posted by: Talon at April 5, 2005 11:25 AM

All they really have to do is get all of the red pens out of the schools. The resulting boost in self-esteem will change their entire world.

The red pen has always been mightier than the sword, you know.

Posted by: roger at April 6, 2005 8:52 AM

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