...Because his lips are moving

icon"Personal accounts don't solve that problem. You still have the insolvency of the Social Security trust fund." -- Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Charles Grassley, a Republican.

It is my firm belief that any politician who lies about the mythical "Social Security Trust Fund" should get a swift kick in the nuts. There is no trust fund. No lock box. It doesn't exist. There is nothing there except empty promises.

How about this: Any person who shows that they donate 15% of their income (up to the federal maximum) into their 401k account is exempted from paying (and receiving) social security.

Category:  Notable Quotables
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12.3% or so (part of the 15% is tax-deductible).

Posted by: Ron Hardin at April 27, 2005 6:26 AM

But that makes sense, we can't have lawmakers doing that.

Posted by: RHett at April 27, 2005 3:44 PM

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