Blame it on the rain

iconI was at Saturday night's rain soaked National's game against the Mets. The highlight of the game was watching the grounds crew struggle to pull the tarp over the infield during the rain delay. The game ended up being called after the infield was turned into a lake before the bottom of the 8th inning. The Nationals won 5 to 3.

I have always had trouble respecting baseball players for their refusal to play in the rain. Then again, I did stand in the torrential downpour of Hurricane Isabel to watch Virginia Tech beat Texas A&M. But the protests by both teams about Saturday's game makes baseball players sound like a bunch of girlie men.

"The conditions were deplorable. I couldn't see anything. I caught a popup and I still don't know if I caught it," Mets catcher Mike Piazza said. "You needed a canoe to get on the field. I'd be surprised if they can get it ready for tomorrow." [...]

Washington's Jose Vidro thought the conditions were worse Saturday.

"That was ridiculous. ... A lot of us could have been hurt. People in our front office, they should think about -- next time they know the rain is coming -- calling off the game," the second baseman said. [...]

Cliff Floyd slipped on his way out of the batter's box...

"The outfield was horrible. You slip out there and hurt yourself, there's nothing else to say: You're on the 15-day disabled list."

Disabled for 15 days because you slip and fall on your ass? What a drama queen.

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On the other hand, I have always been one of those who think baseball is the only game with enough sense to get out of the rain. Baseball should be played on sunny days with grass underfoot.

Posted by: PawPaw at May 2, 2005 11:37 AM

Sounds to me like they're going to need another Congressional hearing. We can't have crying in baseball.. or rain. People might get hurt.

Posted by: Publius II at May 2, 2005 2:10 PM

Yep, let's have Congress vote on a bill to outlaw rain during the World Series. It will identify the ones that don't have a F'ng clue as to what they are voting for - but with a good enough sounding title, I suspect it would pass unaminously!

Posted by: markm at May 3, 2005 12:00 PM

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