Ravenwood - 05/04/05 07:00 AM
Special interest groups are complaining that minorities are underrepresented in Hollywood.
A study of Asian Americans in prime-time television, released Monday, shows that Asians, who make up 5 percent of the U.S. population, play 2.7 percent of regular characters. It also shows virtually no Asian actors are on situation comedies, and the characters they play in dramas tend to have less depth than most regulars, with minimal on-screen time and few romantic roles.Had Ms. Narasaki ever seen All American Girl, chances are she wouldn't think that sit-coms are a good way to expose Americans to foreign culture."Television is still the place where people get to know other people from other cultures ... if they don't have regular contact with them in real life," said Karen K. Narasaki, president of the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, the Washington-based civil rights group that commissioned the study. "If Asian Americans are absent, it tends to reinforce the stereotypes."
Category: Left-wing Conspiracy
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