Student sues after failing to make volleyball team

iconA female senior at Grand Junction High School is suing over her failure to make the volleyball team.

Unlike boys who play football, girls don't have the option of playing on the junior varsity volleyball team if they fail to make the varsity team, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court.

Jessica Wieker's lawsuit alleges Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 discriminates against girls, which is a violation of a federal law known as Title IX that guarantees equal gender access to public education.

The way Title IX has been implemented, the girl probably still won't get to play volleyball. That's because Title IX stipulates that girls and boys programs have to be equal. While it was intended that schools across the country would start up girls athletic programs (regardless of the level of interest), the law of unintended consequences reared it's ugly head. Instead of creating girl's programs, schools simply eliminated boys programs to bring them into compliance. Lesser sports like wrestling have been decimated because of lack of interest in girl's sports. Schools don't have unlimited budgets and the less popular boy's sports are the often cut instead of investing in even more unpopular girl's sports.

Ravenwood's prediction: The boy's JV team is toast.

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