Political Correctness Kills Apostrophe

iconThe University of Minnesota is building a "Scholars Walk". But lobbyists wanting the name changed to "Scholar's Walk" to add distinction to the people it honors, mounted an unsucessful campaign to add the apostrophe. The AP reports that political correctness is to blame.

The board worried that the apostrophe would make the four-block walkway appear exclusive at a time the university wants to be inclusive. It might even mean adding apostrophes to Regents Professors Square and a Professors Lane.

"Apostrophes would be out of control!" said board member Margaret Carlson.

Under no circumstances, am I changing the name to Ravenwoods Universe.

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Since when is good grammar politically incorrect?
What is next, incorrect spelling for an obscure PC reason?

Posted by: Robert Garrard at May 6, 2005 11:09 AM

Stylistically, apostrophes are often omitted on signs. It kind of goes along with the all-capitals lettering. But "SCHOLARS WALK" looks too much like an imperative sentence to me. 8-)

Posted by: markm at May 6, 2005 4:52 PM

Shouldn't all offical inscriptions at a university use correct grammar?

Posted by: Brett at May 7, 2005 5:27 PM

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