
iconWhile Bush was traveling overseas, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said, "I think this guy is a loser." That's leadership for you. Next time you have a difference of opinion with a collegue at work, just call him a loser.

iconDespite their rhetoric about academic freedom, college professors and administrators still expelled a student for his personal views. He dared to suggest that corporal punishment may have a place in our schools.

iconLower tax rates, higher tax revenue. Go figure.

iconCheck out Neal Boortz' Redneck Scrap Book. Paris, France is a lot different than Paris, Kentucky.

iconLarry Elder says that if firms refuse to hire smokers because they tend to be lazy and less intelligent, maybe they should also apply that logic when it comes to hiring Democrats.

iconCarl over at No Oil for Pacifists says that for Kyoto to work, five things must be true. And the probability that all five are true is miniscule.

iconHot Abercrombie Chick asks "How many people would support publicly-funded programs if they had to collect the funds themselves?" Now there's an idea with legs.

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That academic freedom article is infuriating! I occassionally don't see eye to eye with my instructors, but they are all decent and fair graders, I could never see them, or any staff higher than them punishing a student based on their views.

A big thing going on in my area today is suing for breech of contract. I'd pull their crappy mission statement on them and sue in small claims court on breech of contract. When I win that one I would hire a lawyer with the new funds and go full civil suit. This double-standard BS can't go any farther.

Posted by: Rhett at May 9, 2005 4:23 PM

You were discriminated against due to your orientaion, I suppose?

Posted by: Hot Abercrombie Chick at June 3, 2005 12:53 AM

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