Taxpayers to pay medical bills for illegal aliens

iconThe AP reports that taxpayers are going to be forced to pay for emergency care provided to illegal aliens. Well, actually they say "the government" will have to pay, (as does this CNN poll). But we all know that it's Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer who are getting stuck with the bill.

Health care providers can charge the government for emergency care provided to illegal aliens beginning Tuesday.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued final guidance Monday that sets up a system for reimbursement. Lawmakers set aside $1 billion over four years for the program, created by Medicare legislation passed in 2003.

So just how will the service provider know that the person they are treating is an illegal alien? Is there currently a proof of citizenship requirement if you show up to the hospital without insurance?

Regardless, I think the hospitals should only be allowed to bill Medicare/Medicaid if the next call is to the INS to come round up the bastard and deport him when he gets discharged.

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