The European Union on Guns

iconSwiss gun-owners are worried about being pushed to adopt E.U. style gun laws. Why they would want to subvert their national sovereignty to a bunch of European bureaucrats is beyond me. But looking at the E.U. model, I would be worried too:

The firearms would also be classified as falling into one of three categories.

The first is banned weapons (automatic guns, disguised weapons and weapons of war such as grenade and rocket launchers), for which an exemption is required.

The second category is weapons requiring approval (revolvers, pistols and semi-automatics) and an acquisition certificate.

A reason must be given when applying for the acquisition certificate (although an interest in guns will do!) but the buyer does not have to prove a need.

Hunters, sports shooters and collectors are exempt from giving a reason for purchase.

The third category is weapons which have to be simply reported. These include rifles used for hunting and sports shooting.

In addition, a European firearms passport will be introduced, which will make life easier for hunters or sports shooters temporarily exporting guns to or passing through a Schengen state.

The requirements which apply to the purchase of weapons will also apply to ammunition.

Having to ask the European Union for permission to buy a gun is obviously troubling. But just as troubling would be having them hold a registry of all European gun owners. Gun grabbers who still insist that registration doesn't lead to confiscation, need to look no further than the New York or California, both of whom have used gun registration databases to confiscate firearms. Or more recently, the city of Denver, who started rounding up dogs and sending them to death camps.

(Dog story via Geek, via Say Uncle.)

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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Of course, the Swiss just might fight this by overcompliance. Bury the EU bureaucracy under the paperwork needed for each and every Swiss reservist to apply for an individual exemption to keep a "banned weapon" in his attic. Those with military experience will remember how fast 50 men plus a leader in one room can fill out forms, so one nationwide reservist weekend ought to suffice to choke Brussels.

Posted by: markm at May 16, 2005 3:51 PM

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