Ravenwood - 05/16/05 07:00 AM
Ian Hamet's challenge:
...please read and attempt the following:(Hat tip to The GeekWithA.45, who apparently still reads that Instadude.)A well regulated Intelligentsia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and read Books, shall not be infringed.Convince me, using only the text above,
- that this sentence does not guarantee an individual right, only a "collective" right; or
- that this sentence means that the only legitimate intelligentsia is the one controlled by government; or
- that this sentence allows the government to decide which books are safe and which are dangerous, and permits it to ban those it does not approve, and to dictate how all books under private ownership must be stored; or
- that this sentence permits the government to require the registration of all books and book owners.
Category: Cold Dead Hands
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