I blame tabloid consumers

Paparazzi photographer Galo Cesar Ramirez was arrested on a felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly rammed actress Lindsay Lohan.

After Lohan made a U-turn to evade Ramirez, he intentionally crashed his minivan into the driver's side door of Lohan's Mercedes Benz coupe, police said. . .

Lohan suffered a cut to her ankle and complained of pain in her neck and ankle, police said. Her passenger, who police did not identify, complained of pain in her head and wrist.

It is this kind of aggressive photography that was largely responsible for the death of Princess Diana. While the photographers are obviously at fault, readers of their tabloid trash should share some of the blame.

If the ignorant masses weren't infatuated with the who's who of Hollywood sexcapades, there wouldn't be that enormous financial incentive for these jerks to follow people around and harass them. It's one thing to admire an actors work on the big screen, but people who get wrapped up in celebrity weddings and all the manufactured glitterati need to get a life. I could care less which stars are having their birthday today, and wouldn't give two shits to know who made this month's People magazine list of the 50 most beautiful celebrities. And I pride myself on having never seen American Idol and generally not knowing (or caring) who wins or loses.

If I could sit down and have a beer with any actor living or dead, it would probably be the late George C. Scott, the man who snubbed Hollywood by refusing to accept an Academy Award. (An event which was later copied by Marlon Brando, in a shameless ploy to look cool too.)

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I myself was enormously amused by the fitting death-by-celebrity of Princess Di at the time I heard about it, and I still am.

Live by the airhead, die by the airhead.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at June 3, 2005 7:53 AM

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