CA: Senate passes bill for illegal driver's licenses

The California senate passed a bill to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens. To comply with federal law, the "licenses" will not be valid for ID, and must be marked differently than real driver's licenses. Proponents of illegal immigration claim that the illegal licences will be a boon for public safety.

"This bill is about public safety. Millions of Californians are in jeopardy every day" from illegal immigrants who lack driver training and insurance, said Sen. Richard Alarcon, D-Van Nuys, whose son was killed by an uninsured driver.
So the only thing standing in the way of illegal aliens going to driving school and buying insurance was a little, plastic, state-issued card.

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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Some days, rather than try to figure out the liberal mindset, I am compelled to simply ask myself, "Are they really this stupid?"

The longer this stuff goes on, the more inclined I am to say "Yes" and feel sorry for their unfortunate genetic defect.

Posted by: roger at June 6, 2005 9:27 AM

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