Where do vampires learn to suck blood?

Carin Constantine was a law student at George Mason University. She was given an F in her Constitutional Law class after failing the final exam. She suffers from migraine headaches, so she sued the Professor and GMU for violating her Constitutional right to keep taking the test over again until she passes. (It's right there in Article III.)

The courts threw out her case, but on appeal the 4th Circuit court said that she could sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act (also not part of the Constitution).

The Washington Post notes the lengths to which GMU tried to accommodate her disability.

After missing Lund's final exam in December 2002 because of migraines, Constantine was allowed to retake the test in January. About an hour into the exam, she recalled "everything got blurry."

After she flunked the exam, and therefore the course, Constantine pleaded her case with Lund, who said he would talk to the dean. After administrators ignored her calls and e-mails for months, she said, the university set a retest for June but suddenly moved up the date by a month and gave her no time to prepare. She flunked again, had to retake the class with a different professor and wound up getting a C.

So she failed the exam three times, and eventually retook the entire course and passed with just a C. Now she is suing, presumably to get the F off of her record. Sounds like something a lawyer would do.

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Just wait until you are notified regarding this post:

Retract or you'll be answering a summons.

Posted by: Steve Scudder at June 16, 2005 8:42 AM

How would you like to be defended a lawyer who was laid low by a massive migraine whenever things got tense in the courtroom?

Posted by: markm at June 17, 2005 5:42 PM

Where did you get the information that she failed the exam 3 times? If you actually read the article, she failed twice, not 3 times. Check your facts.

Posted by: David at June 18, 2005 1:08 AM

She missed the final in December (failure #1), she was allowed to retake the exam in January (failure #2), and she retook it a third time in May/June (failure #3).

Posted by: Ravenwood at June 18, 2005 10:44 AM

Where does the lawsuit say she received a "F" for missing the initial exam? You obviously are not familiar with law school exam policies.

Posted by: David at June 18, 2005 4:29 PM

I didn't read the lawsuit. I read the article and interpreted it based on my own college experiences - which were if you missed an exam, you failed it.

Do you really want to continue to argue over petty semantics.

Posted by: Ravenwood at June 18, 2005 6:31 PM

Only until you get the facts correct.

Posted by: David at June 18, 2005 8:25 PM

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