Ravenwood - 06/23/05 06:15 AM
Kim du Toit thinks that if people don't want their kids going to school next to a gun range, they shouldn't build their new homes and school next to a gun range.
A new elementary school is being built just down the road from the shooting range, and down the road a little more are dozens of new subdivisions. Some of the new neighbors are not happy about the location of the range.The range has been there for years. They ought to be unhappy about the location of their new homes and the new school. Who the hell moves into a house and then starts bitching about the location?
"It will make me nervous when they are playing on the playground," said parent Dorian Nicolosi. "It does not sit well with me."That'd be like me moving next door to Dorian Nicolosi and then asking him to move because I don't like living next to him.Nicolosi and two daughters live just down the road. Both girls will attend the new elementary school when it opens in the fall.
Some neighbors, like Dorian Nicolosi, are not happy about the range's proximity to a new elementary school.
"I don't think it should be anywhere near a school," she said. "It shouldn't be within five miles of school."
Category: Left-wing Conspiracy
Comments (2) top link me
The same people who move in next the the airport and complain about that noise. Or next to a military installation and complain about the sounds of freedom as our miliatry hones their skill to take the fight to the enenmy. Or those who move in next to the garbage dump and complain about the smell.
Posted by: Sarge at June 23, 2005 8:17 AMI'm sure Ms. Nicolosi would be more than happy to move away from all those guns you'd bring with you!
Posted by: Steve Scudder at June 23, 2005 1:36 PM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014