Illegal immigration ignored as a security risk

President Bush spoke to the nation on prime time television last night to address criticism to the War on Terror. He still hasn't said two words about illegal aliens pouring into our country. But some people are taking notice. Terrorist mouthpiece Al-Jazeera, had planned on running a "news" piece on how to sneak across our borders.

"It is insane policy to allow Al-Jazeera to film Arizona's unsecured border with Mexico and then broadcast it to the very people who perpetrated 9/11," [U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.] said. Hssaini, who described himself as a Moroccan-born citizen of Canada working legally in the United States, dismissed the suggestion that his motive for coming to Arizona concerned something other than journalism. . .

"They are a legitimate news organization," said Jacqueline Sharkey, head of the journalism department at the University of Arizona. "There has been criticism in some of the ways they have covered the war in Iraq - just as there's been criticism of the way some of the U.S. media have covered the war in Iraq."

I tend to agree with Sharkey. Oh, I don't think Al-Jazeera is anything other than a two-bit terrorist propaganda network. But banning them from filming our loose border security doesn't solve anything. What Franks really ought to be upset about is that our borders are so insecure that al-Jazeera would even want to film there.

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