1984: Recycle or go on report

With good reason, Kim du Toit is ranting over this plan by the Brits to intimidate more people into recycling.

A council is putting microchips in all 100,000 of its wheelie bins to monitor whether householders are recycling enough of their rubbish.

The 50,000 households in the South Norfolk district council area are being issued with two bins - a grey one for run-of-the-mill rubbish and a green one for plastic bottles, cans, paper and cardboard that can be recycled.

Dustcarts will empty grey bins one week and green ones the next, with on-board scanning equipment weighing each one and identifying which home the contents come from.

Over time, officials in the Liberal Democrat-controlled council will be able to calculate which households are backsliding on recycling and then advise them on how to do better.

Kim notes that the first thing he'd do is keep switching all the bins with his neighbors. Sounds effective, but it implies that you're still going to put your recycle bin down there every other week. Personally, I think I'd just paint the green one gray and thank the city for the extra trash bin. And the first piece of trash to go in it would be that embedded microchip that I carved out with my unregistered knife.


Forget where I saw it but a good suggestion was adding some concrete or lead to the base of your bin to help the weighing system along.

Posted by: Chris at July 1, 2005 8:57 AM

And, likely, the recycling program costs the consumers money directly. Or, if it's like here, the trash company doesn't pick up everything we recycle.


Posted by: hln at July 1, 2005 9:29 AM

Just run a strong magnet over the spot where the chip resides; that way it fails, and they can't blame/charge you for it, no matter how many times they replace it, they couldn't prove a thing.

Posted by: Robert Garrard at July 1, 2005 10:59 AM

After 37 years of trying to make recycling cost effective, maybe the brits (I think their last invention was the Timex computer) may find a way.. I suggest they scrap the microchip and just go directly to DNA testing. Yeah, that'll do it.

Posted by: GrampaPinhead at July 1, 2005 6:28 PM

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