Ravenwood - 07/06/05 01:00 PM
Spoons was speculating on who really leaked to the media that Valerie Plame was a secret agent man. Spoons thinks it was Ashcroft. I made the case for Rove:
I think it was Rove, but the right wing media sat on the information all last year because they didn't want to ruin Bush's chance of being re-elected.
Oh, I get it. Sarcasm, right?
Seriously, if Rove or Ashcroft were the "leakers" Cooper and Miller would be tripping over each other on their way to the microphone to name their source first. The fact that this hasn't happened lends much more credence to the possibility that it was a Clinton era bureaucrat as the source.
Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at July 6, 2005 9:08 PMI think it was being on the the cover of "Vogue" magazine...
Posted by: emdfl at July 7, 2005 2:09 AM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014