Would you marry someone this stupid?

I know that love makes people do stupid things, but this is rediculous.

To prove his love, a 38-year-old man set himself on fire before getting down on one knee and asking his girlfriend to marry him. . .

About 100 people gathered to watch Todd Grannis perform the flaming stunt on Monday, which involved wearing a cape soaked in gasoline.

Grannis climbed a 10-foot scaffold, was set on fire and then plunged into a swimming pool, dousing the blaze. Emerging unscathed, he got down on one knee and proposed.

Category:  Oddities
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I am related to someone exactly this stupid. My brother was the guy who set himself on fire and dove from a 50' tower as part of the ski and diving show at a local amusement park.

I wanted that job when I got old enough, but sinus trouble made it impossible for me to make the dive. (And setting myself on fire and just standing there seemed like a bad idea.) So I got stuck being the one of the guys who did flips off of the ski ramp.

Posted by: Nick Bourbaki at July 8, 2005 10:13 AM

If that's what love does to the mind, I think I'll stick to the unrequited variety, thanks.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at July 9, 2005 6:00 AM

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