Here we go again

In the wake of the London terror attacks, government officials are gearing up for another great freedom grab. Washington D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, wants every part of D.C. covered with closed circuit video cameras. He likes the way that London was able to quickly identify (after the attack) who the terrorists were. Currently you can't spit on the sidewalk in London without cops seeing you on camera and dispatching someone to issue a summons.

On another front, D.C. Metro authorities are eager to conduct "random" searches of people riding the bus and rail system, as if you needed another reason not to ride Metro.

Metro Transit Police Chief Polly L. Hanson said the system is considering inspecting passengers' bags at random. She said officials have begun researching the legal issues associated with such a practice.

"It's something I very much want to do," Hanson said. "The timing is important on something like that, and I feel that this is a time when it would be received well."

Translation: We need to grab their freedom now while the sheeple are still willing to trade it away for the empty promise of security.

In more positive news, the 30-minute rule has been lifted from flights out of Ronald Reagan National Airport. That's the rule that said you had to remain seated for the first and last 30 minutes of flights departing and entering Reagan Airport. I could have seen 5, maybe 10 minutes, but in 30 minutes you're well over West Virginia or New Jersey.


I can think of no better purpose for building a scoped, suppressed rifle firing heavy, subsonic projectiles than to take-out intrusive surveillance camera's from the rooftops of different buildings. I think that would be such a hoot and they are almost certain to never catch you, so long as you exercise caution. Alas, I live in a free-state and don't have to deal with such intrusive nonsense. I think it would be one hell of a game though.

Posted by: Matt Groom at July 14, 2005 4:56 PM

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