The Price of Nannyism

Effective today in California, residents will have to pay for a city building permit just to fix a light switch or install an overhead light. The Berkeley Daily Planet points out just how expensive it will be for city residents to replace a $3 wall outlet.

Starting Aug. 1, when the 2004 California Electrical Codes automatically take effect, residents will have to apply for a city building permits to replace or add wall, porch and ceiling lamps, light switches, electric receptacles, and other common do-it-yourself chores.

So changing that noisy electrical switch with a quieter mercury switch will cost a lot more. Besides the costs of the new switch, there'll be the $81 basic permit fee plus an additional surcharge of $2.15 for each receptacle, outlet or switch and - if you want to add more - $21.50 for altering or changing wiring.


What, are they going to have agents checking the customers leaving Lowe's and Home Depot? "Do you have a building permit for that light switch, sir?"

Posted by: markm at August 1, 2005 10:08 AM

You'd never guess what but we're getting this sort of stupity in England too.

Worries me I may have to start showing an elctricians license to buy cable and so forth.

Next a black market in electrical supplies

Posted by: Chris at August 1, 2005 12:37 PM

Who are these idiots? Do they really think they can control and tax every aspect of your life? How are they going to justify all of the deaths caused by worn out electrical equipment that never got fixed or replaced because people didn't have enough money to pay for a permit? If I can do it myself, I will. If they try to put me in jail for it, the shooting war starts. I'd sooner steal the parts than pay for a permit.

Posted by: Matt Groom at August 2, 2005 1:12 AM

sounds like they found a new scheme to generate revenue for the state...

Posted by: Kirk at August 2, 2005 3:01 PM

Remember that "cash in on the guilt" speech from Atlas Shrugged?

Rand was a prophet about quite a lot, wasn't she?

Posted by: Kevin Baker at August 2, 2005 7:12 PM

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