Useful idiots

One of the London bombing suspects is saying that there is no link between the July 21st bombings and al Qaeda, and that they were committed to draw attention to Iraq and not meant to hurt anyone. Of course the useful idiots from the blame America first crowd will play right into this and say "See! See!", it's all Bush's fault. Because a guy who would commit murder and heinous acts of terrorism wouldn't lie.

"I am against war," the source quoted Osman as saying. "I've marched in peace rallies and nobody listened to me. I never thought of killing people."

Category:  Get Your War On
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Ok he wants attention, he should have fled to a press conference instead of hideing.

Well now he's got our attention what say he hands over any useful info then gets dropped in a deep hole for a long long time.

Guy's a liar, he's basically put his hands up to attempted murder.

Posted by: Chris at August 1, 2005 8:50 AM

He's a damn liar.

Posted by: Trevor at August 1, 2005 12:29 PM

Now, now, we mustn't rush to judgement and let emotions cloud our multicultural values! We have no right to impose our cultural standards upon him! Those roofing nails embedded in the bombs? They were only meant to *scare* people, you see. The pellets of rat poison, a known anti-coagulant? He was merely attempting to make a political statement. Why, he is the virtual moral equivalent of our own Founding Fathers!


Posted by: daltec at August 1, 2005 1:43 PM

Sorry daltec, being a Brit I'd probably have shot your founding fathers out of hand too.

Of course with hindsight I realise that would have been a vicious mistake.

In this case though I think we'll have more regrets if this guy continues breathing precious oxygen.

Posted by: Chris at August 2, 2005 5:00 AM

Howdy Chris! I am sure you realized I was being sarcastic in my previous post, so no need to go on about it. But as fas as I am concerned, I'll happily share some of my oxygen with him, at least until MI5 or 6 or whoever gets the info they need out of him. After which, I'll suddenly get verrrrry stingy, haha.

Been to England twice, loved it. Great country, great people - Brits and Americans are just like a family. Squabbles, disagreements, to be sure, but underneath all that, brothers and sisters.

Having said that:

1776 !!!

bwahaha, sorry Chris, just busting your chops a little... ;->


Posted by: daltec at August 2, 2005 11:18 AM

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