Ravenwood - 08/10/05 06:00 AM
"What the propagandists on the right have done is make people afraid to say they are Democrats. We have to be out there. We have to be vocal. We have to be pushing our version of the facts because their version of the facts is very unfactual" -- DNC Chairman Howard Dean
Category: Notable Quotables
Comments (3) top link me
Version of the facts? That's why the Democratic party is a dismal failure, there is no "version of the facts" it's either a fact or it's not. I sure hope that Mr. Dean has a long career with the Democratic party.
Maybe it is just me, living near Boulder, Colorado, but I've never met anyone who was afraid to announce they were a Democrat. Sometimes they do it sort of subtly by saying things like "Guns are evil!" or "Bush is a lying liar" or "Free for everyone!" (where isn't "markets") but they always make it quite clear.
Posted by: Jay Kominek at August 10, 2005 2:02 PM"Version of the facts."
Oh my.
That explains a lot.
Posted by: Kevin Baker at August 11, 2005 10:18 AM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014