ATF questions family, neighbors about gun owners

The VCDL is pretty good about getting their facts straight. That's why I don't know what to think of this claim. It just sounds so preposterous, yet knowing what I know about the ATF, it could very well be true.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE), who seem to go out of their way to alienate gun owners with their heavy-handedness, behaved in a shameful manner this last weekend at the Showmasters' gun show in Richmond.

I had reports from members of police going to their houses while the member was waiting for their approval to purchase a gun at the show! The police asked the spouse and other family members questions about the purchases and filled in a survey! "Did you know your husband was going to a gun show today?" "Did you know your husband was going to buy a gun today?" and many other such questions.

If no one was home at the gun purchaser's house, the police went to the neighbors! "Did you know that your neighbor was buying a gun today? How do you feel about him doing so?"

Just what you need is someone going around telling people that you're not home, and you're likely to have guns in the house. And how does this cut down on gun crime, again?

Then there's this:

One member, who was carrying a personal gun to sell, was approached by BATFE and taken to a car while they checked him out. The officer said in front of Showmasters' management, "Did you know you need a business license to sell a gun at this show? I have seen you at a lot of shows - are you in the business of selling guns? I think you are."
I sometimes frequent Richmond shows, but I doubt they have agents prepared to drive 100 miles to my home to question my neighbors. But if I ever get questioned, I'll be sure to thank the ATF for letting me know that my neighbor is likely to have guns and is definitely not home right now. Maybe he'll loan me his battering ram.

UPDATE: The media is finally starting to pick up the story, and the ATF has admitted that the so-called "residency checks" did take place. They also say that they will NOT happen in the future.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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I don't know, call me skeptical, but I have a feeling this stuff was done by people impersonating ATF agents.

Posted by: roger at August 18, 2005 11:23 AM

OK, I went back and re-read the VCDL link, and it sure sounds like the ATF admitted to the behavior. Something still sounds fishy to me, though. This just sounds entirely too illegal and way too noticable.

Posted by: roger at August 18, 2005 11:30 AM

Q. What was that noise?

A. Nothing to worry about - just the 4th Amendment being run through the shredder.

Posted by: Jeff at August 19, 2005 11:13 AM

Something smells of fish?

They can't be that stupid?

But it really wouldn't suprise me.

Posted by: Tyler D. at August 19, 2005 1:18 PM

I call BS. A background check takes between 15 minutes and 3 hours. At a gun show there are several of these called in every hour. The ATF doesn't have enough agents in supercharged Batmobiles to visit the residences of everybody getting a check.

Posted by: Billll at August 19, 2005 8:26 PM

They don't claim that they visited EVERY person being checked.

Posted by: M. Wright at August 23, 2005 2:51 PM

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