California abandons ammo serial numbers

California has abandoned plans to require serial numbers on every round of ammunition sold in the state. They may push for the issue again next year, but right now there are too many questions surrounding the non-existant technology.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer has shelved a novel gun-control measure that would have required manufacturers to stamp microscopic serial numbers on all handgun ammunition sold in California.

Sen. Joe Dunn, a Garden Grove Democrat carrying the legislation for the attorney general, said he needed more time to resolve a heated debate over how much the potentially landmark tracking system would cost and who would pay for it.

California police organizations have been reluctant to support the measure. Perhaps they realize the futility, or perhaps they are afraid that their own sources of ammo would either dry up or become prohibitively expensive.

Such a requirement would destroy surplus ammo sales in the state. Not to mention that when a box of ammo increases from $10 to $50, it would create a huge illegal trafficking market.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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I'm at a loss for words. How the hell did someone with that kind of logical reasoning become AG?

Posted by: Derek at August 25, 2005 10:49 AM

Derek -

He's the AG of CA. Problem solved.

I weep for the people of California. Okay, maybe not actually weep, but I do feel pretty damn sorry for them. This is saying a lot too, considering I live in Ohio, the home of Governor Bob "The Golfer" Taft.

Posted by: roger at August 25, 2005 11:23 AM


You are correct on why he is AG, it is Kalifornia after all, and the bill did make it through the state senate. My five year old son knows enough that this bill is a complete joke.

Posted by: Derek at August 25, 2005 1:34 PM

What amazes me is that anyone running that goofy circus of a state had enough sense to figure out that the idea was a bad one. Usually they do the stupidest things in the People's Republik of Kalifornia.

Posted by: Robert Garrard at August 26, 2005 4:37 PM

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