Study: Men smarter, women better looking

According to some British psycho. journal, men really are smarter than women, on average; at least when it comes to their IQ.

Men are more intelligent than women by about five IQ points on average, making them better suited for tasks of high complexity, according to the authors of a paper due to be published in the British Journal of Psychology.

Genetic differences in intelligence between the sexes helped explain why many more men than women won Nobel Prizes or became chess grandmasters, the study by Paul Irwing and Richard Lynn concludes.

They showed that men outnumbered women in increasing numbers as intelligence levels rose. There were twice as many with IQ scores of 125, typical for people with first-class degrees.

When scores rose to 155, associated with genius, there were 5.5 men for every woman.

Given that women already live longer and there are more of them, men aren't exactly winning the battle of the sexes. And men may be smarter, but women can still wrap them around their finger. And the smarter the man the easier he is to wrap. Like the old saying goes, women already have half the money and all the p... well, any way...

As Kim du Toit points out, five IQ points are pretty much unmeasurable and the IQ divide is far from permanent. A hundred years ago, when education opportunities for women were rare, the difference was probably much bigger. That also means that it's hardly genetic, as they claim. (Genetic is very quickly becoming a code word for "It's not your fault".)

Besides, men may be better at book learning, but women are better at other things like cooking, cleaning, and breast-feeding. Heh. I'm gonna get hate male on that one.

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But Steve! This is a good thing. When women get smarter and more independent they can make more money and be more "career-minded." Which means all we have to do is marry these women and then we can stay home for more drinking and shooting.

I love progress!

And I actually had a friend do the above, married a girl going into the medical field so he wouldn't have to work.

Posted by: Rhett at August 30, 2005 1:49 PM

If her father owned a liquor store, she'd be perfect!

Posted by: Ravenwood at August 30, 2005 2:19 PM

The chief difference is what attracts the interest of the two sexes. Talent isn't much of it.

Men can sustain the delusion that mathematics is important, for example, which is important at the highest levels, where an obsession is necessary to support it.

Women drop out when they see what's necessary to be world class at mathematics, opting for a social life.

The man thinks : here, at last, something will be settled once and for all.

The woman likes relating undecided things, the more the better, and not in particular solving them one by one.

Those are the two attractors.

You need both inclinations in a functioning society.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at August 30, 2005 8:38 PM

I,ll bet this bugs the NOW bunch wow just think about it

Posted by: screaming eagle at September 2, 2005 9:44 PM

good serivce

Posted by: Frank Johnson at September 27, 2005 4:06 AM

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