Canada's other tyranny

Provinces in Canada are practicing doggie genocide, whereby racially profiled doggie breeds are to be rounded up and slaughtered.

Pit bull owners now have 60 days to get their animals spayed or neutered, and must muzzle and leash them in public.

People will not be able to own, breed, import, transfer or purchase pit bulls, although they can still adopt them for a limited time.

Those violating the rules can end up with their pets seized and euthanized, while they could face finds of up to $10,000 or even jail time.

However animal advocates fear hundreds of adult and puppy pit bulls may now be euthanized and candlelight vigils were held across Canada Sunday night to protest Ontario's new law.

Category:  Pleasure Police
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Vicki Hearne _Bandit : Dossier of a Dangerous Dog_ has the complete history of pit bull hysteria.

She was a lefty who wound up writing on the right in spite of herself.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at August 30, 2005 12:41 PM

Wherea PETA when their doing this?

Posted by: screaming eagle at September 1, 2005 3:19 PM

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