Starbucks bemoans health care costs

Uh oh. Apparently Starbucks spends more on their health care bills than they spend on coffee.

Starbucks' chief barista Howard Schultz has been committed to healthcare coverage for his employees, but his generosity may be brewing up trouble for the coffee seller.

The company's chairman told U.S. legislators yesterday that it will spend more on employee health insurance this year than on raw materials to brew its coffee...

Starbucks has had double-digit increases in insurance costs in each of the last four years. Schultz called that "completely non-sustainable", but stopped short of recommending any specific new healthcare approach.

If Starbucks cuts their health care coverage, I wonder if Maryland will pass a Starbucks law the way they did for Wal-Mart.

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People are outraged that SB won't pay for medical coverage, yet they are all okay with the fact that they charge $6 a cup?

I just can't understand people....

Posted by: Rhett at September 17, 2005 2:20 PM

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