Dude, where's my car?

After stealing a car from a gas station attendant, two alleged car thieves were nabbed after they returned to the station an hour later to fill up with gas.

Employee Pam Pease, 49, was sweeping the parking area when she noticed a familiar car pull up to pump No. 7.

It was her blue 1994 Ford Escort with a missing hubcap. She had reported it stolen less than an hour earlier.

"It just blew my mind, but there they were," Pease said. "I'm glad it was low on gas."

Artemio Castillo, 49, and Ernesto Garcia, 41, were arrested Tuesday night.

Category:  Dumb Criminals
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Well, if they stole a '94 Escort, you KNOW they weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Darwin lives!

Posted by: Kevin Baker at September 27, 2005 9:50 AM

Their most used word must be DUUUHHH

Posted by: screaming eagle at September 29, 2005 10:08 PM

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