Naming Names III

The Cleveland Plain Dealer doesn't like the idea of not being able to get their hands on the records of those licensed to carry a concealed firearm. They claim, rather rediculously, that the public has a right to know.

Now lawmakers are seeking to close off public access completely.

The permit information belongs to the public, which pays for its collection and storage, as well as the salaries of those who do the work. That lawmakers would show such flagrant disregard for the public's rights is reprehensible.

So the public has a right to know because they paid for the collection and storage of the information. (Nevermind the permit fee charged to the licensee.)

I guess the Plain Dealer would support opening up financial records, drivers license records, and the like. Maybe we should request the Plain Dealer turn over their employees tax returns. After all, they are collected and stored using taxpayer dollars.

By the way, as I said before the Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer is Douglas Clifton. Here is his address and telephone number:

    Douglas Clifton
    19 Shoreby Dr
    Cleveland, OH 44108-1161
    Tel.: (216) 761-6577
Here is his bio. For a map to his home, click here. The public has a right to know.

(Via Say Uncle)

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And we have the right to use the CLEAVLAND PLAINS DEALER as birdcage linning just like what we do with the rest of the liberal rags

Posted by: screaming eagle at September 30, 2005 9:49 AM

I have rarely been as angry as I was as when I first read a year or so ago that papers in Ohio were publishing the home addresses of permit holders. In fact, I thought it had already happened. Is this more of the same or did the gunners manage to stop the campaign temporarily?
I remember that the Ohio gunners threatened to publish the home addresses of the newspaper employess, but I thought the papers only hesitated and then went ahead anyway.

Posted by: mikem at September 30, 2005 10:52 AM

Here is further evidence of the depths that these small minded fools will stoop to:

Posted by: Gosshawk at September 30, 2005 12:52 PM

Seems he was invovled in some other scandal (keep scrolling to July 15th or thereabouts) that put his job at risk earlier this summer - something about a cover up and things.

Posted by: countertop at September 30, 2005 5:25 PM

If he wishes to have CCW holders published then perhaps he will allow his name to be published on a list of people who own no guns - along with his address of course. Burglars and robbers need a list like that.

Posted by: M. Chandler at September 30, 2005 10:35 PM

I followed that link. 'The public's right to know' Snort. Yeah, as long as he gets to filter out info that embarasses his newspaper. LOL.

Posted by: mikem at October 1, 2005 5:15 AM

Its violation of privacy they should sue the Cleavland Plains Dealer there is such a thing as right to privacy

Posted by: screaming eagle at October 5, 2005 11:08 AM

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