BCS folly is starting early this year

This year's BCS formula has barely gotten off the ground, and it's already stirring up controversy. CNN/SI reports that while the ballots are secret, it's still obvious that poll voters are being less than objective when ranking the teams.

Illinois picked up 13 votes despite being 2-2 and fresh from a 61-14 pummeling by Michigan State. Arizona got 10 votes with a 1-2 record, though maybe the Wildcats were mistaken for that 3-1 team that's two hours up the road.

But how do you explain Bowling Green, which received five votes even after a 48-20 loss to Boise State dropped the Falcons to 1-2? Or worse, Idaho, which is 0-4 and scored six points in its last two games, yet still got five votes?

Granted, the votes are minuscule and won't affect the BCS standings, which begin next month. But the geniuses who thought Bowling Green and Idaho should be in the top 25 this week will be the same ones helping decide who's playing in the Rose Bowl for the national title.

Two words: Playoff.

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