Old No. 7

It's an honor just to be mentioned, but I've clawed my way up to number 7 on John Hawkins' Favorite 40 Blogs For 2005. If only there were some deathmatch style playoffs.

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Congratulations. Well deserved. You also earn a pat on the back for being one of the dwindling number of blogs with open and unmoderated comments. I appreciate you allowing commenters to disagree, sometimes with snarky remarks (one of my weaknesses, it's easier on my brain than thinking) without getting an "awaiting moderation" message. I hate those, but only once.
Your blog layout, scheme etc. is also the best I have seen, by far. It is refreshing and easy on the eye, even the white on black has become a plus where at first I didn't like it so much. Hope you stay around a long time.

Posted by: mikem at October 4, 2005 8:53 AM

Thanks. I hope I do too. The only comment moderation that happens is automated based on date (comments older than 30 days), or by certain keywords. The keyword filters are to catch spam comments having to do with sex drive, pr0n, or those card games they play down in Texas.

Posted by: Ravenwood at October 4, 2005 2:43 PM

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