Like School on Sunday

If recent VCDL reports are accurate, the Culpepper Town Manager doesn't have much class.

As you recall from the VCDL Update over the weekend, Executive member Mike Stollenwerk sent an email to the Culpeper Town Manager, Brannon Godfrey, about the Culpeper web site's unlawful statements about a gun ban in their parks. Mike simply asked that the web site be updated to remove the offensive 'no firearms' wording.

In turn, Mr. Godfrey sent a letter to Mike in GERMAN!

I asked for a translation and approximately 30 of you responded. (Thanks to respondents for their help.) I now have the translation (verified word-for-word by 7 German speakers) and it ISN'T complementary to Mike:

Mr. Stollenwerk - many thanks for serving as our moral conscience.

Culpeper would be lost without the patronizing guidance of the people like you in Northern Virginia.

Long live the State!


Brannon Godfrey

Some notes are in order: First, replying in German is clearly a slam at Mike because of his ethnic German last name. Second, the closing line, "Long live the State!" is the closing line used by loyal Nazis of the Third Reich! Yet another slam at Mike's heritage. And third, this was all done by a town official who was responding to a Virginia citizen on a town matter where the town was in violation of state law!

Countertop, who claims to be on hiatus, has the rundown on VCDL's trouble getting Gubernatorial candidate Kilgore (a Republican) to submit his gun survey. The Kilgore campaign even resorted to name-calling and seems to be shunning gun owners.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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The city officials should remember that we have the right to keep and bear arms if they cant remeber that then they should step down

Posted by: screaming eagle at October 5, 2005 10:49 AM

The smartass who officially insulted a fellow citizen in German has no place in government service. He should be forced to step down.

Posted by: Brett at October 5, 2005 4:12 PM

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