Even on a bye week

Yes, I am still talking about the Hokies, even though they didn't play this weekend. You have to appreciate the class of Head Coach Frank Beamer. He knows the value of good assistant coaches, and refused to sign a contract renewal unless his supporting coaches were taken care of.

He's gotten his wish, because not only is he getting $2 Million a year with incentives for post-season play, the assistants will also get substantial pay raises and bonuses. Beamer is 58 now, and will be 65 at the end of this contract. It sounds like he's looking forward to retirement.

"I am very appreciative to the university for allowing me to finish my coaching career at Virginia Tech," said Beamer. "This is the only place I want to coach, and it's a great place to coach because of the administration and our great fan support.

"I'm also appreciative to the university for helping me with my assistant coaches. I think we have the greatest staff in the country and I want to keep them."

Beamer has coached at Virginia Tech for 19 years. Check out the tenure for his assistants:
    Billy Hite, Assistant Head Coach, Running Backs Coach: 28 years
    Bryan Stinespring, Assistant Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator: 12 years
    Bud Foster, Defensive Coordinator: 19 years
Tech also has a few other coaches with 10 years experience, and Bud Foster and Beamer coached together at Murray State.

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