Fans banned from football game

The fear of violence has gotten so bad in New York, that fans were banned from a high school football game.

Cheered only by their teammates, two rival football teams competed Friday morning in front of two dozen police and an otherwise empty stadium - a precaution sparked by the schools' worry that violence might occur.

Mount Vernon and New Rochelle school officials rescheduled the Saturday afternoon game and banned fans, although most were in class anyway.

As New Rochelle built a big lead, birdsong could be heard during plays. Police officers at the main gate permitted only reporters and school officials to enter the stadium...

Mount Vernon Superintendent Brenda Smith said there was some tension stemming from the killing of a Mount Vernon resident in New Rochelle last month, although the killing did not involve students.

"We don't like to penalize our young people," she said. "It's unfortunate. But we still have to be careful."

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Good thing they didn't try keeping fans from the concerts I attended this weekend.

Posted by: Da Goddess at October 24, 2005 8:32 PM

How are they going to have fan if they ban them becuase of fear of violence looks like the chickens are roosting there

Posted by: screaming eagle at October 24, 2005 10:00 PM

What about marching bands at halftime? Did they eliminate that too?

Posted by: Ron Hardin at October 25, 2005 2:17 AM

Will They also go after the CHEER LEADERS and dose it include the SAN DIEGO CHICKEN?

Posted by: screaming eagle at October 25, 2005 9:13 PM

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