The lesser of two evils

Next Tuesday Virginians will go to the polls to pick a new Governor. The good news is that the no good lying fucktard Mark Warner will be gone. The bad news is that both Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Jerry Kilgore are likely to be sorry replacements. Tim Kaine is pro-taxes, pro-illegal immigration, anti-gun, and anti-death penalty. Kilgore is tip-toeing around the issues and refusing to take a stand. It's like he's gotten ahold of the Kerry playbook and is trying to appeal to liberals as well as conservatives.

The American Spectator reports that the race is Kilgore's to lose.

For the past few weeks, I've heard some Virginians and assorted politicos questioning Kilgore's conservative credentials. Such remarks were easy to dismiss as hand-wringing on the right or Democratic attempts to split Republicans.

But in October the race shifted from Kilgore's to lose to a toss-up...

Kilgore also hasn't committed on taxes. Americans for Tax Reform said last week that Kilgore has not signed "the pledge" not to raise taxes as governor. Grover Norquist told TAS Friday, "He has left the door open to some tax increase. Ten years ago, that'd be a pretty good line in the sand. When you're running against a guy who raised taxes by a billion dollars, you gotta be pretty clear. He's not gonna raise taxes. He should say it. The tax issue is the one that wins elections for Republicans -- period." Kilgore's campaign argues that taking the pledge four years ago is sufficient. "Jerry has given his word," said spokesman Tucker Martin.

Last year Virginia Republicans and Governor Mark 'I will not raise taxes' Warner passed the largest tax increase in the 400 year history of the Commonwealth. As Lt. Governor, Tim Kaine is going around crowing about the tax hike as some big accomplishment.

As a conservative, I'm disenchanted with both candidates and don't really know for whom to pull the lever. I think that if Virginians end up supporting Kilgore, it's more of a vote against Tim Kaine.

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The citizens of Virginia dumped that fool DOUGLA WILDER becuase he was so inept now maybe they will vote to get someone who will vote to dump all gun control laws

Posted by: screaming eagle at November 1, 2005 9:24 AM

Well after the way Kilgore has been dodging expressing his position on gun rights and then attacking the VCDL president Philip Van Cleave as not credible on the Second Amendment, I will be writing in Philip Van Cleave's name this Tuesday

Posted by: longwatch at November 2, 2005 2:07 AM

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