Let's talk about all the good things...

The Ninth Circus Court of Appeals ruled this week that parents do not have a 'fundamental right' to control their children's sexual education.

A federal appeals court Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit by parents who were outraged that a school district had surveyed their elementary school-age children about sex.

The three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the parents' claim that they have the exclusive right to tell their children about sex.

In upholding a lower court ruling against the parents, Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt said "no such specific right can be found in the deep roots of the nation's history and tradition or implied in the concept of ordered liberty."

And isn't that an interesting development. Next time I'm on the Left Coast I think I'll swing by some schools and start surveying the kiddies about sex. I dare not try that in Virginia, where it's "implied in the concept of ordered liberty" that a parent could beat me down with a baseball bat.

Let's talk about sex, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex


It's such a stunningly bad case-decision...

Posted by: -keith in mtn. view at November 4, 2005 5:51 PM

No, that's not what they said. They said that, if a parent sends their kid to a public school, they don't have the exclusive right to teach them about sex, or anything else, for that matter.

If you disagree, point out the section of the Constitution that supports your position.

This is nothing but a Religious Right smoke screen. You have no right to sue to change the classes taught at a public school. If you want change, vote in new school board members.

Posted by: The Other Mike S at November 5, 2005 1:59 AM

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