A red letter day in wife beating

Via the Bitch Girls, Miami is requiring a waiting period for the 'non-lethal' self-defense devices known as stun guns.

Miami-Dade commissioners approved a new set of rules that will require a five-day mandatory waiting period for people who want to buy a stun gun.

The five-day layover gives time for individual background checks to be performed and training conducted for everyone who buys a stun gun.

If that's not a barrier to self-defense, I don't know what is. Interestingly, Florida only requires a 3-day waiting period for handguns. Then there's this:
Florida has come under fire from anti-weapons groups such as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence because the state does not require background checks at gun shows and recently passed legislation allowing people to carry handguns in public for self-defense.
Actually, Florida passed 'shall issue' way back in the 1980s (1987, I think). The recent change in the law just means you don't have a duty to run away if confronted by a bad guy.

Another note, Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner, who oversees gun permits is delightfully named Charles Bronson.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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Charles Bronson?!?

How... poetic!

Posted by: Kevin Baker at November 7, 2005 6:32 PM

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