Ravenwood - 11/09/05 06:00 AM
Hokie Pundit points out hypocrisy at Virginia Tech. When a campus group tried using the words "Virginia Tech" and a bible verse on the same literature, they got the smack down from school administrators. Apparently they consider mentioning "Virginia Tech" and "God" in the same sentence as an unConstitutional establishment of a national religion.
But 'tis the season for Rocky Horror, and the university apparently looked the other way when logos and trademarks were used to promote a pre-Halloween screening of the cult classic film. Virginia Tech logos were not only altered from their original appearance (you gotta click through to see the photo), but the fliers were handed out at student dining halls.
In their guidelines, they say that the � symbol must accompany any university marks and that the use of university marks should be tasteful. The � is certainly missing, and I think it'd be pretty hard to say that the Hokie Bird in a black teddy with fishnet stockings is "tasteful."
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